Jennmar International

Jennmar Worldwide

With worldwide facilities and distribution warehouses, our team is dedicated to supporting, building, and rebuilding infrastructure above and below ground. You'll receive quality products with little or no importing of raw materials and a dedicated team of experts going the extra mile.

Jennmar Canada

Jennmar Canada

The Jennmar facility inventory in Sudbury, Canada is robust, providing the Canadian mining industry with a comprehensive range of ground support options. Our main focus is on the continuous development of products for the future that provides value to the mining industry. We are proud to supply and support the Canadian community!

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2024 Supply Chain Risk Report

Canada Headquarters
2291 Lasalle Boulevard
Sudbury, On, P3A 2A9
+1 705-566-0500

Jennmar Quebec, Canada

1905 Boulevard Rideau, Rouyn Noranda, QC J0Z 1Y1
Jennmar Australia

Jennmar Australia

Jennmar Australia was established in 1997 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Jennmar Corporation. Like our parent company in the U.S., Jennmar has established itself as a leading supplier of ground control solutions in Australia.

Jennmar Australia manufactures ground support products in 3 major locations Western Sydney in New South Wales, Mackay in Queensland, and Perth in Western Australia. In addition to these facilities, multiple distribution warehousing and service centers are also located throughout Australia providing fast access to products for interstate and regionally based customers.

Visit Jennmar Australia's website for a complete list of our products, locations, and more information.

Visit Our Website

Australia Headquarters
40-44 Anzac Avenue,
Smeaton Grange, NSW 2567

Queensland Plant

48 - 50 Southgate Drive Paget QLD 4740

WA Plant

84 Furniss Road Landsdale WA 6065
Jennmar Tianjin Mine Ground Control Technology CO. LTD.

Jennmar Tianjin Mine Ground Control Technology CO. LTD.

Jennmar Tianjin Mine Ground Control Technology CO. LTD. located in Tianjin China was establish in 2022. This new 13000m² automated facility is ISO accredited with manufacturing & safety exceeding Australian and ASTM standards. Manufacturing is supported by Jennmar's best Quality Control facility, which will support Research & Development utilizing dynamic, quasi-static, and static mesh and rock bolt testing.

Manufacturing consists of Weld Mesh, Woven Mesh, Torque Tension/Threadbar bolts, Resin Capsules, MPA and SDA bolts, Plates, Friction Bolts, Straps, all Cable variations, and many other hybrid products to support our international markets.

XEDA Industrial Park
Area A, No. 8, Tianyuan Rd.
Xiqing Economic-Technological Development Area, Tianjin 300385

Jennmar Indonesia

PT Jennmar Distribusi Indonesia
18 Office Park lantai 22 Suite E, F & GJI TB Simatupang Kav 18 Jakarta, Selatan DKI Jakarta, 12520, Indonesia
+62 021 80641801

PT Jennmar Manufaktur Indonesia

SFB C1C No 1 - Jababeka Phase 6 Jl. East Park Blvd. Cikarang Bekasi, 17530, Indonesia
+62 021 80641801

Jennmar Mongolia

Jennmar Mining Products LLC Mongolia
Narnii Zam-87, Olympic Street 90, Sukhbaatar District, Khoroo-1 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 14230
8000-3221; 9924-2228

Jennmar Sweden

JENNMAR’s Swedish facility, formerly the SSAB Virsbo location, continues its legacy of producing the high-quality Virsbolt. Strategically located in Sweden, this facility strengthens JENNMAR’s global footprint in ground support solutions, delivering reliable and innovative products to the mining and tunneling industries. With a commitment to safety, quality, and performance, JENNMAR Sweden upholds the excellence customers have come to trust.
Jennmar Sweden
Virsbo Bergbultar AB (u.n.c.t. Jennmar Sweden AB) NordÃÆ'Æ'Æ' nvÃÆ'Æ'Æ'ÃÆ'‚¤gen 8 73761 Virsbo Sweden

Jennmar International Locations

Jennmar is an American company with over 2,500 domestic employees and over 800 international employees, including 80 worldwide facilities, multiple distribution warehouses, and service centers located worldwide. To contact us or find more locations please visit our Contact Us page.