1-Day J-SEAL differs from traditional J-SEAL as the non-foamed formulation provides for extended pumping distances along with the quick strength gain required for an approved seal in less than 24 hours.
AirSTOP & curtains manage and control underground mine ventilation. We use a selection of high-strength PVC fabrics best suited to your needs for height, length, weight, tear strength, edge reinforcement, attachment and hanging, visibility and safety.
Inflatable AirSTOPs are patented high-strength and rapidly-deployable inflatable stoppings, barriers and seals that come in range of sizes to fit most mines & tunnels.
Lightweight, efficient, and robust method for achieving sound attenuation. HardLine™ silencers are bolted to either the inlet or outlet of auxiliary fans. Typically applied to both ends of the fan or on a single end between the fan and sound sensitive location.
Semi-rigid polymer branch tube accessories for mine and tunnel ventilation.
Semi-rigid polymer tubing for horizontal mine and tunnel ventilation.
J-SEAL is a specialized foaming cement that is used to build permanent coal mine ventilation seals. The rapid strength gain provides immediate ground support to the surrounding strata with quicker cure times to meet seal approval specifications in days rather than weeks.
JENNCHEM Underground Roadway Repair is a specially formulated fast-setting concrete designed for the mining and tunneling industries.
JENNMAR Overcast Systems are designed to be modular reusable structures that are used in underground high-pressure situations to insure intake air is not contaminated with return air.
JENNMAR's Metal Stoppings are an economical solution for underground mine ventilation control. This alternative to conventional block stoppings is comprised of a set of vertically telescoping steel panels that provide a safe, low-cost system to deliver positive control in all mining environments.
Hi-strength wire-reinforced flexible ventilation ducting manufactured for positive or negative pressure in mine and tunnel applications.
Hi-strength flexible fabric tubing for positive high-pressure airflow in mine and tunnel ventilation.
Turnstone Industrial Solutions now offers low-cost and competitive spiral steel tubing solutions for tunneling and mining ventilation applications.
Hi-strength oval-chambered flexible fabric tubing for mine and tunnel ventilation.