Product Catalog

1-Day J-SEAL

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1-Day J-SEAL® is a specialized, highly pumpable cement that is designed to duplicate the engineering properties of standard J-SEAL within hours, permitting the rapid construction and approval of final 120 PSI main line seals. This product differs from traditional J-SEAL as the non-foamed formulation provides for extended pumping distances along with the quick strength gain required for an approved seal in less than 24 hours. It is also ideal as a single shot grout for pumpable cribs or general grouting applications in coal or hard rock mining. 1-Day J-SEAL is designed to be installed with a JENNCHEM continuous placer type pump into a variety of form designs including wood, concrete block, and metal.

MSHA Approved Design

JENNCHEM has been issued MSHA approval (120M-17.0 – JENNCHEM Main Line 1-Day J-SEAL) for seals requiring an early cure rating and/or long distance placement properties. The complete installation guidelines are available on MSHA’s website. The required thickness of the two JENNCHEM 120 PSI Mainline approvals are based on the superior shear strength of both J-SEAL materials. When installed in a 7-foot high and 20 foot wide coal mine entry, the required thickness is 10.15 feet utilizing a steel stopping or concrete block form. 1-Day J-SEAL’s superior mechanical properties results in a 21.7% reduction in seal thickness.


• Calibration and pump set up needs to be carried out by qualified JENNCHEM personnel or authorized contractors
• A minimum of 250 ft of 1-1/4 in. mine spray hose or slick line is required from placer to job site
• Underground requirements:
-- Water 25 gpm @ 50 psi (100 psi if water heater required)
-- 460/575 VAC @ 60 Amps (200 Amps if water heater required)
• Requires simple form work and sealing of gaps.


• Compared to traditional J-SEAL, 1-Day J-SEAL’s non-foamed design provides a stronger final product to result in a shorter amount of time
• Longer pumping distances are achieved when compared to traditional J-SEAL due to its low viscosity design
• Both J-SEAL formulations utilize the same chemistry, providing ideal engineering properties including low heat of hydration and non-shrink characteristics
• Rapid Application: up to 12 CY per hour
• Good flow properties allows material to penetrate and consolidate broken ground
• Rapid gel minimizes leakage in forming
• High Yield: up to seven times its dry volume
• Superior durability for life of mine installations
• Acid mine water resistant


• Pre-blended, cementitious, non-flammable, powder product packaged in 45-lb, 3-ply, one layer polyethylene bags
• The product is optimally formulated and the grout is chemically stable after cure
• Simple one-part system, longer gel time, better viscosity, and longer pumping distance
• Rigorously tested, premier engineering properties, better bonding with strata, and higher shear strength against strata
• 1-Day J-SEAL is MSHA approved and can be used with a variety of form designs including wood, concrete block, and metal



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