Product Catalog

J-PLUG Acrylate Grout

J-PLUG Acrylate Grout is a fast-reacting, low viscosity, acrylate polymer that is used to seal water leaks in concrete structures and stabilize soils. J-PLUG utilizes environmentally safe acrylic resins in conjunction with catalysts and accelerators. The system is typically pumped at a ratio of 1:1 (catalyst & water : resin & promoter), when controlling active water leaks and at higher ratios with water when ultra-low viscosity is needed to penetrate fine soil particles. At 1:1 ratio, the resulting product is a flexible elastomer, while at higher ratios of water to catalyst, a pliable gel results.


J-PLUG is typically used to seal any leak below grade
and applications include:
• Tunnels of all types
• Below grade parking garages
• Foundations
• Tanks, sewers, shafts
• Around large diameter pipes, cracked concrete, and various failed construction joints.


• Super low viscosity
• Easy clean up (soap and water)
• Non-Hazardous for shipping
• Non-Hazardous when cured
• Economical
• Non-flammable
• Reaction is site adjustable

Packaging, Storage, and Mixing

J-PLUG Acrylate Grout is supplied in 275 gallon totes, 55-gallon drums, and 5 gallon pails. The promoter and catalyst are supplied in plastic containers filled by weight as required. Materials should be stored above 40°F and below 80°F in plastic (or stainless steel) containers at all times and must be kept separated prior to use.
All equipment used to pump J-PLUG must be designed specifically for this acrylic formulation. Stainless steel pumps and equipment are required due to the corrosive nature of the materials. Do not use aluminum components. Catalyst and promoter components may form a toxic gas if mixed prior to field application.



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