Product Catalog

Rail Benders

Rail Benders

30 Ton Hydraulic Rail Bender
30 Ton Bender for conventional strength rail for switch point pockets and rail repairs. For 60-140
lbs. gauge track.

Single hook bender frame. Safety chain secures ram/pump unit to frame.

• Wt. 181 lbs. - 60-140 lb. Rail

Hydraulic Rail Bender

Our 50 Ton Hydraulic Rail Bender has twice the hydraulic pressure of our standard bender for easier bending of rails 25-85#.

Uses the same bender frames as traditional models. Quick ram retraction. Heavy-duty springs pull the piston into the cylinder in less than five seconds. No pry bar is needed to release the ram from the rail.

Includes: Hand pump, Couplings, Hose, and Fittings
• #2H-50 Hydraulic Rail Bender,
50 Ton, 60-85# Rail
• #3H-25 Hydraulic Rail Bender,
25 Ton, 25-60# Rail



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