We are an ISO 9001 certified facility that offers a wide range of carbide tips to match the various challenges that you might face. Producing over fifty grades of cemented carbide and the ability to create new ones, we can find a carbide grade to meet your needs. Our versatility helps us to check and respond easily to evolving conditions and customer needs. All of our tips provide superb penetration and maximum productivity – regardless of whether you work in soft, medium-hard or extremely hard and demanding conditions.
XTEND-A-BIT™ tools are equipped with a carbide ring placed slightly below the tip to prevent body wear and maximize carbide tip use. Each tool is available with either a valve seat or cap carbide tip. XTEND-A-BIT tools reign supreme in high body wash conditions.
XTEND-A-BIT™ is fitted with a carbide ring that protects the steel body of the bit from erosion when the bits are exposed to extremely abrasive material.
If your heavy duty bits consistently show an hour-glass wear pattern on the body, but the carbide tips are not wearing away, consider replacing your bits with the XTEND-A-BIT.
Customers who have previously experienced hourglass wear, who have replaced their bits with XTEND-A-BITs, report two to three times their bit life.
Ideal applications for XTEND Series (CARBIDE RING) tools: