Product Catalog


JM CABLE® SUMO® Cable Bolts provide a very high strength steel wire strand, with metallurgy designed for applications in both coal and hard rock mining, as well as civil and tunneling projects. Compared with 0.6 and 0.7 in. diameter, grade 270 cables commonly used in U.S. coal mines, the SUMO cable has a larger diameter of 1.10 in. and a minimum 66.2-ton strand ultimate tensile strength (UTS), which is much higher than the 28 and 38-ton respective capacities of 0.6 and 0.7 in. cables.



• Installation into drill holes ranging from 1.5 – 1.8 in. (38 – 45 mm)
  diameter to achieve very high load transfer
• Bulbed along the entire grouted length of the strand for maximum load transfer
• Anchored with J-LOK post-grout resin cartridges for mixing in larger drill holes
• Flexible central corrosion protected steel hollow tube 0.55 in. (14 mm) diameter for grout injection
• Grout adaptor with locking fitting for fast, easy, and safe attachment
• Tensioning jacks available up to 33 tons (30 metric tons)
• Plated with high capacity 0.55 in. (14 mm) thick “Volcano” plates with grout indicator holes
• Typical lengths are 16 & 25 ft (5 & 8 m)
• Can be tensioned or non-tensioned.



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