Product Catalog

Tensioned Rebar Bolts/TT Anti-Friction Washer


JENNMAR’s tensioned rebar bolts have threaded ends and can be used as fully grouted or point anchored systems.

JENNMAR offers the following variations of tensioned rebar systems for specific mining applications:

• Torque Tension Dome Nut
• TT Nut Technology
JENNMAR’s SUPER TWIST® is the most efficient and cost-effective torque tension system on the market. Simply reverse spin to mix the resin, and then torque the nut. The nut never leaves the bolt due to JENNMAR’s specially designed crimped bar. This system provides uniform tensioning, consistent torque, and high installed loads.
Other benefits include:

• Minimum amount of bolt protrusion
• Low residual torque
Torque Tension Dome Nut system provides the mining industry with a simple, inexpensive tensioned rebar system utilizing bottom threaded rebar. Resin mixing and torquing is in the same direction. JENNMAR’s TT Nut Technology can provide the following benefits over other conventional torque tension systems:

• No external delay mechanism (shear pin, plug, etc.)
• Special thread design in TT Nut provides uniform resin mixing and bolt tensioning
• Minimum amount of bolt protruding from the roof
• System can be used fully grouted or point anchored bolts
KMS has developed the TT Anti-Friction Washer for various roof bolting applications to provide higher and more uniform tension and improve the beaming effect and roof stability. The TT Ant-Friction Washer consists of two zinc-coated hardened steel washers joined together with an exclusive polymer. The zinc coating provides a smooth clean surface to apply the polymer which then allows for an optimum bond between washers. The zinc coating also enhances the lubricating effect and prevents corrosion. The combination of zinc coating and hot melt lubricant provides a much-improved friction reducing medium.



• Increase in tension/torque ratio
• Increase in install load
• Available in (2 in. O.D. × 1 in. I.D.) or (2-1/4 in. O.D. × 1-1/8 in. I.D.)


• Improve beaming effect and roof stability
• Especially effective in weak, laminated strata
• Polymer acts as improved anti-friction agent
• Zinc coating minimizes washer corrosion
• Eliminates sparking during bolt rotation
• Zinc corrosion protection allows for outdoor or underground storage
• Not affected by exposure



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